It is a moment of immense pride to welcome you to Sriram Chandra Bhanja Dental College and Hospital, Cuttack; popularly known as S.C.B. Dental College & Hospital, Cuttack is the only Government Dental College of state of Odisha: a College with a cherished history and a spectacular odyssey. Its humble beginning can be traced back to 1944 when it started as a Dental Department of the prestigious Sriram Chandra Bhanja Medical College, Cuttack. As the baton of excellence was passed onto the highly qualified administrators, it gradually transformed into the Dental Wing of Sriram Chandra Bhanja Medical College in 1983. Today 80 years after its inception, it stands proud as Sriram Chandra Bhanja Dental College and Hospital, Cuttack from 2010, an establishment that educates and trains over 300 Undergraduates and over 50 Postgraduates in various specialities every year.
To have this opportunity to share this often arduous, but ultimately wondrous journey is a matter of personal pride as I have not only witnessed it, but also have been an integral part, first as a member of Faculty and later as the First Principal of the College.

Our motto, “Citius, Altius, Fortius” i.e., faster, higher and stronger is indeed reflected in the immaculate campus, cutting edge armamentarium, state-of-art auditorium, contemporary Lecture Halls and the extensively archived and updated library. But the biggest strength of our institution is its workforce: the highly qualified Faculty members, who teach with passion and the dedicated non-teaching staffs who play an integral role in imparting all the treatments with compassion. Here, we understand that knowledge is a continuous quest and hence Teachers’ Training Programs, Professional Enrichment Programs and Continuing Dental Education Programs are held at regular intervals where renounced Guest Speakers come to share their vast and varied experiences. As a result, the students are not only provided excellent knowledge but are also prepared to carry out their duties with diligence and empathy.
We, here at S.C.B. Dental College and Hospital, Cuttack; strive to create an environment that is conducive for Academic Growth, Excellent Patient Care as well as Research and Scholastic Activities to ensure the all round development of the students as well as the faculty members.
After all, education is not just a process of imparting information, but a medium to shape and mould an individual to the best of his ability and capacity.