SCB Dental College & Hospital is the only Government Dental College of the state. It is situated in the sprawling campus of SCB Medical College. The journey of the institute from a dental department to a separate dental college is a saga. It all began with a dental department of Orissa Medical College which was established in 1944 . Later on the medical college was renamed as Sri Ram Chandra Bhanja (SCB) Medical College in the year 1953. The dental department was given the status of Dental wing of SCB medical college in the year 1983 headed by Vice Principal. Bachelor in Dental Surgery (BDS) course with 20 intake capacity was started in 1983 as Dental Wing, S.C.B. Medical College, Cuttack.

The Dental wing excelled in rendering patient care and education. The first batch of Post Graduate education was started in two specialties namely Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery with one seat each in the year 2008. The Government of Odisha was pleased to upgrade the Dental wing to SCB Dental College as per the Gazette Notification 2278_ME_t_SCB_35/2009_H dated 28th January 2010 to be headed by a Principal with all administrative power. Prof. J.K Dash has been appointed as first Principal of this newly formed Dental college under whose leadership and vision the institution is excelling to achieve new heights.